Vesko Topalov wants a third triumph in “M-Tel Masters”

The best Bulgarian chess player Veselin Topalov returned to Bulgaria for the upcoming elite chess championship “M-Tel Masters”.
Topalov said that the tournament in Sofia this year will be harder than the one that took place in the Spanish city Bilbao.
Topalov also added: “Last year, I couldn’t win the “M-Tel Masters”. I hope to do it this year. I need six points to keep my advantage over the others, but whether this will be enough, we’ve yet to see.
It isn’t easy to keep your first spot in the charts, because the more you think on how to keep it, the easier it is to lose it. Because of that, I’m always just striving to increase my advantage. Right now, however, I’m even past that. I’ve won the tournament two times and I was second once. I hope to win in for the third time this year.”