Articles tagged with: Elections 2009

The voting for national parliament tomorrow, July 5th, will be the first voting with two integral voting papers.
One of the voting papers is for the candidates of the proportional system, and the other is for …

A coalition between DPS and BSP could hardly rule Bulgaria anymore, stated the chairman of the City council of BSP in Sofia Rumen Ovcharov. He spoke on the topic after being asked for his opinion …

Hundreds of the followers of the Blue coalition attended the meeting-concert on the square “St. Alexander Nevski”. Most of them wore shirts with the logo of the Blue coalition and waved blue flags.
Chanting “Victory!” and …

The leader of the political party “Order, Lawfulness, Justice” (RZS) Iane Ianev organizes a national protest against the party DPS on July 3rd at the square “St. Nedelia” in Sofia.
The slogan of the protest will …

If the opinion of 85% of the Bulgarian citizens that approve the introduction of a majority vote – a proven sociological fact – is called “whimsical”, then call it a whim of the president.”
That was …

The sale and serving of alcoholic beverages is forbidden everywhere on the day of the elections of the new National assembly, announced the municipality of Sofia.
The prohibition is valid for the entire territory of the …

The political party GERB started their initiative “Ask a question!” The party invites all their supporters to ask a question to their candidates for members of parliament in the official elections blog of the party. …

Stefan Danailov, leader of the list of “Coalition for Bulgaria” in Plovdiv (16th microregion), presented his colleagues to the citizens of the city.
Second in the list after the current minister of culture is the leader …

The goal of the next government is to stop the thefts and cut off the routes for the extraction of the national budget, stated the leader of GERB Boiko Borisov in front of the representatives …

An additional type of voting paper will be prepared for the Bulgarians that will vote abroad, announced the Central Election Committee (CIK).
CIK reminds, that June 20th is the deadline for several things – for example, …

People will have to vote with two integral voting papers – one for the majority candidates for members of parliament and one for the party lists. This was clarified today at the regular press conference …

The campaign for the 41st elections for a National Assembly begins on June 14th 2009. Voting begins on July 5th 2009.
The campaign closes on July 4th 2009 at 00:00 AM.
Until the end of the voting …