A customs office for yachts will be opened in Tsarevo

By the end of June, a customs office for yachts will open in the city Tsarevo, easing the customs control over yachts that leave the Bulgarian territory.
This was announced by the mayor of Tsarevo Petko Arnaudov. He participated in the yacht event Hypo Bulgaria Boat Show 2009, organized by Iconomedia and Expo Team in Varna. The office is currently being repaired and is expected to open within two months.
The lack of customs office in Tsarevo makes the sail of yachts that leave Bulgarian territory in southern direction difficult. The yachts have to pass through the control offices in Varna and Burgas, because without being checked, they can’t leave Bulgarian waters. Because of that limitation, yacht owners petitioned long for a customs office in the southern parts of the Black Sea coast. The one that will open in Tsarevo is warmly welcomed.