“The War” and “Everything about you” compete for the Jameson award

The twelve short films that will participate in one of the most liked movie awards – the Jameson Short Film Award – were selected. Two among the most notable short movies are:
“Voinata” (The War) – a short, absurd tale for two parallel worlds, both existing at the same time in the same country, that collide unexpectedly in the cold winter for the duration of one smoking cigar. The film is based on the short story by Deyan Enev – “Galileo” and directed by Stefan Komandarev (“The World Is Big and Salvation Lurks around the Corner”).
“Vsichko za teb” (Everything about you) is the story of a girl named Ana. She perfectly understands what she wants from both life and men. In a night like any other, Ana faces a serious challenge – she meets a person that will turn her life upside down. “Everything about you” is the official debut of the director Toma Vasharov. His previous success is the one-minute long film “Celuvkata” (The Kiss), also selected for the Jameson award and nominated in 30 festivals all over the world. “The Kiss” earned him 5 awards from international festivals.