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Gergana Pasi on the cover of “Beauty”

Submitted on Friday, 5 June 2009No Comment
Gergana Pasi on the cover of “Beauty”

This June, the Beauty magazine celebrates it’s 11th anniversary. The minister of European issues is a special guest on the cover of the anniversary issue.

In a lengthy interview, she talks about the role of women in politics, the place where she was proposed to marry, what does she seek in the man beside her, how is she having fun and where does she like to travel.

The actor Vladimir Karamazov and the singer Mariana Popova also share their favourite destinations in the anniversary issue. Doni talks about the meaning of buddhism, his dreams and beliefs.

The summer theme also dominates in the issue. If you plan a vacation despite the crisis, “Beauty” will offer interesting places to travel to, holiday advice, etc.

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