The EC introduces Bulgarians to their rights as EU members

From November 12th to 22nd, a national campaign under the guidance of the European Commission will take place. The slogan of the campaign is “European citizenship: beyond words, concrete rights”.
“During the campaign Bulgarians will be introduced to their rights as citizens of the European union as defined in the charter of the main rights inside the EU”, says Mikele Cherkone, spokesman of the member of parliament-chairman of the European commission Jacques Barro.
According to commissar Barro himself, the european citizens must be informed of their rights, so that they can use them within any country in the Union, and even outside of the Union. By organizing this campaign, the European commission aims to reinforce the safety and rights of the citizens of the European Union, added Cherkone.
The campaign begins with a press conference at the agency of the European commission in Sofia. After that, the campaign will take the form of a traveling fair that will pass through 20 bulgarian cities.