Solana comes to Plovdiv in April?

In Brussels, the prime minister Sergei Stanishev talked with the High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy and Secretary-General of both the Council of the European Union (EU) and the Western European Union (WEU) Javier Solana.
They discussed the perspectives for membership in the European Union of countries in the Western Balkans and the schedule of the coming conference “Natural gas for Europe: security and partnership” in the end of April.
The Western Balkans need a clearer perspective for EU membership, despite their current difficult situation that stems from the global financial and economical crisis, stated both Stanishev and Solana.
“The European perspective is the strongest incentive for the reforms in these countries, and Bulgaria – a country that had to go through that very same path – knows it well. Thus, we support the growth of these countries in the process of their integration into Europe”, noted the Bulgarian prime minister Sergei Stanishev.