Russia returns a match against Bulgaria

Russia defeated Bulgaria, making up for their loss in the first match between the two teams in group C of the international volleyball league. Sbornaya won today’s game in Habarovsk with 3:0 (22, 18, 22). Despite the loss, the Bulgarian team still has chances to qualify for the finals of the league in Belgrad in the end of July.
The Bulgarian volleyball players had their chance to turn the tide of the game in the third part, when they were leading with 16:11 before the second timeout. The Russian trainer Daniele Baniol however, let Yuri Berejko in the game, and he turned out to be the golden reserve. His attacks, combined with the light, but technical services of Sergei Grankin confused the Bulgarian team and the Russian team quickly evened the result.
The Bulgarian reserve Tsvetan Sokolov had a strong game. The future colleague of Matei Kaziiski in Trento was let in mid-game, replacing Vladimir Nikolov.