No alcohol in Sofia on July 5th

The sale and serving of alcoholic beverages is forbidden everywhere on the day of the elections of the new National assembly, announced the municipality of Sofia.
The prohibition is valid for the entire territory of the municipality, for the time period between 6:00 and 20:00 h. on July 5th. The restriction excludes restaurants that host weddings, christenings and mournful occasions, and excludes the large-scale sales of alcohol.
With an order, the mayor of Sofia defined the buildings where the regional election commissions will work. Earlier today, the municipality announced in relation to the elections that the election commission for the 23rh election region will work in the “Hristo Botev” hall in Student’s city; the commission in the 24th will be in the building of OKI “Sredets”; the commission in the 25th election region will work in the 45th school “Konstantin Velichkov”.