English tourists praise the Bulgarian seaside

Hotel owners save the season with low prices. The attractive offers during the holiday season are the measure that resorts take to fill the beds during May and June. For 40 leva per day, any tourist can rest until the end of the month, this price including food and drinks.
This data comes straight from the offers of tour operators in the entire Black Sea coast. 39 leva is the pre-paid daily package for a four-stars hotel in St. Konstantin and Elena. The prices in Albena and Golden sands are similar. Offers in resorts like Elenite and Dunes are the most desired. They offer private beaches, where the customer doesn’t have to pay for a sunshade and lounge.
Statistics show that the reasonable balance between quality and price is the right way to get out of the crisis. Donka Sokolova, chief of the Bulgarian association of tourism agencies, announced that 60% more Bulgarians chose to spend the May holidays at the Bulgarian seaside compared to the same period in 2008. The prognosis for June is also optimistic.
The Bulgarian resorts were also praised by the Bulgarian media. Bulgaria is once again in the top 6 of the most favoured destinations of British tourists, mostly because of the good balance between quality and price. Reasonable offers with added extras and bonuses will save the season, state tourism experts.