The wishes of stars of Park Live Fest in Sofia

Between June 18th – 20th, Sofia will host the three-day music marathon Park Live Fest.
The organizers “Cotton records” announced the admission regime before the concerts:
– If you couldn’t purchase tickets earlier, you can do so on the spot, for a 5 leva higher price.
– Owners of three-day tickets have to hold on to them, because they are required for the admission on each day.
– Once they enter the bicycle track in the Borisova garden, the guest are not allowed to leave and enter for a second time in one evening.
– People are not allowed in with professional cameras, guns, alcohol, food, music instruments and animals.
All details on the admission regime can be found at the Park Live Fest website.
Several big names of the jazz, pop and dance music will take part in the festival. The stars from the British duo Lamb, the hip hop virtuoso Roots Manuva and the trip-hop pioneer Tricky.
As usual for stars, they all have their peculiar requirements.
Tricky is the most fastidious. He wrote two pages of foods that he can’t stand. Chocolate and chips are at the top. Tricky also asked to prepare his own food – mainly vegetables and fish.
The Swedes “Little Dragon” ( are also specific about their food – they are vegetarians.
The English rapper of Jamaican descent Roots Manuva is modest with his requirements. He only wishes to sample traditional Bulgarian food and have a bottle of champagne.
4Hero are afraid of traveling with a plane, so they will take the distance between London and Sofia in a tour bus.