The heavy traffic in the Shipka pass to be averted

An improved communication between the road support will hopefully avert the heavy traffic in the Shipka pass, announced the municipality governor of Gabrovo Svetlozar Todor.
The plan envisions the road watch to notify when a heavy snowfall occurs, so that the TIR trucks can be stopped as early as entering Gabrovo. That way, the unpleasant lines that waited for hours – characteristic for previous years when temperatures dropped low – might be finally averted.
In the meantime, during a meeting between the municipality governor Svetlozar Todorov and the director of the road management of the Veliko Tarnovo municipality, it was clarified that the Hainboaz pass will be open on November 21st, as opposed to the previous announcement for November 15th. This deadline is final and in accordance with the weather forecast for the days ahead. Some finishing repairs of the pass are yet to be completed.