The gathering-concert of the Blue coalition

Hundreds of the followers of the Blue coalition attended the meeting-concert on the square “St. Alexander Nevski”. Most of them wore shirts with the logo of the Blue coalition and waved blue flags.
Chanting “Victory!” and “Hooray”, the followers greeted Vasko Krapkata, Vania Kostova and “Upsurt”. “We’re here, we’re powerful, we want from you to be happy”, said Mitko Pavlov at the opening of the meeting.
Vasko Krapkata opened the concert of the blue stage with the song “Niama da zabravim, niama da prostim” (We won’t forgive, we won’t forget) of the legend Georgi Minchev. “His spirit still lives on this square,” said Krapkata.
Backstage of the concert, the leader of DSB Ivan Kostov spend most of his time giving autographs to the followers of the democratic party. He came to the meeting with a blue flower in hand.