Slav de Hren recreate “Pictures of an Exhibition”

The experimenters from Slav de Hren are getting ready to show for the first time the full concert performance of the album „Pictures of an Exhibition”.
The disk is inspired by the ten piano compositions of the great russian composer Modest Musorgski.
17 unique compositions that bravely fuse punk, jazz and progressive, will rock the “Bulgaria” hall on November 14th.
Through the modern compositions, the musicians of Slav de Hren will attempt to revive the classical work of Musorgski „Pictures of an Exhibition”, written way back in 1874.
“Pictures of an Exhibition” is the second album of Slav de Hren after “Tavata” from 2006.
The album’s unusual fusions of music styles proved to be beneficial; the album reached 13th place in the sale rankings of Amazon in the Jazz-Fussion category.
Tickets for the concert can be purchased in the Ticketstream network or at the ticket booth of the concert hall “Bulgaria”.