Pass through the “Tsarevets” gates in Sofia

Hundreds of tourists and tour operators can pass through the gate of the fortress “Tsarevets” in Sofia the coming week. They will be greeted by noble bolyars.
Artists and sculptors from the Faculty for arts of the university of Veliko Tarnovo “St. Kiril and Metodii” constructed a life-sized copy of the first gate of the fortress.
The gates is 4,8 m. tall and 4 m. wide. It will also be used as the stall for Veliko Tarnovo at the XXVI International tourism market “Holiday and Spa Expo” between February 26th – 28th in the National palace of culture, announced Daniel Panov, manager of the municipal agency for tourism “Tsarevgrad Turnov”.
Multimedia screens will be installed in the back of the gate. They will continuously show films about Veliko Tarnovo.