European commissioner visits Borisov using the metro

The current European Commissioner for Transport Antonio Tajani praised the program of the new Bulgarian government regarding the infrastructure projects.
“This is an ambitious task”, said the Commissioner for Transport. He arrived to the meeting with Borisov in the Council of ministers using the metro stations which opened recently. He and the Bulgarian transport minister Tsvetkov took the ride between the stations “Vasil Levski” and “Serdika”.
I highly appreciate that these projects were presented to the European Commission, added Tajani.
According to him, a higher level of co-operation in the non-formal aspect are just as needed as the formal meetings on EU level.
“We decided to initiate a number of technical meetings to solve the transport issues,” clarified the Commissioner.
He added that on September 11th the European Commission approved the governmental decision to aid the modernizing of the Bulgarian raliways and promised the assistance of Brussels.
Tajani also said that he’s satisfied by the Sofia metro. “The stations look modern. The services are on par with the rest of Europe,” said the Commissioner for Transport.