The European deputies from Bulgaria

The Bulgarian members of parliament in the European parliament are already known, despite not being officially announced by the Central election committee. Changes are very unlikely.
If the European Union ratifies the Treaty of Lisabon by the end of the year, Bulgaria will have the right to send one more – 18th – deputee, and he’ll most probably be the second in the list of candidates of the “Blue coalition” Svetoslav Malinov.
Another change is possible, if Meglena Kuneva is chosen to be Commissar once again – then her place will be taken by Stanimir Ilchev, third in the list of NDSV.
Deputies from GERB:
Rumiana Jeleva (born on April 18, 1969 in Nova Zagora) is a Bulgarian politician of the political party “Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria” (GERB). In May 2007 she was elected as a Member of the European Parliament (MEP). In the European Parliament she is the Head of the Bulgarian Delegation in the EPP-ED Group. As an MEP she is active in the Committees on “Regional Development” and “Employment and Social Affairs”, and the Delegation for relations with the Mashreq countries and the Delegation for relations with Iran.
Coming from Bourgas, a town adjacent to the Black Sea, she has been continuously involved in Black Sea cooperation programmes and projects.
Prior to being a member of the European Parliament she studied Sociology at the University of Sofia and earned a PhD from the University of Magdeburg, Germany.
Her website is:
Vladimir Urutchev (born October 1st 1954) was a Member of the European Parliament (MEP) for the period 2007-2009. He graduated the Techics school of Plovdiv with the specialty “Electric networks” in 1973, and graduated from the Energetics institute of Moscow with the specialty “Atomic power plants and installations” in 1981. Between 1981 and 2007, he worked in the Nuclear power plant “Kozloduy”.
He began his work in the European Parliament in June 2007. He’s a fluent speaker of English and Russian.
Iliana Ivanova was born in Stara Zagora. She graduated a foreign languages high school “Romen Rolan” in her home town, with specialty in French and English. She graduated the Varna university in the specialty “economics”. In 2002 she became a magister of “International finances” in the university Thunderbird, Arizona. She worked as an expert in the department “International relations” in the Ministry of agriculture and several American financial institutions. In 2006, she returned to Bulgaria and became an expert in the party GERB. She’s a fluent speaker of English, French and Russian.
Emil Stoyanov was born on July 12th 1959 in Plovdiv. He graduated the German language school of Pazardzhik and specialized in Literature in the University of Plovdiv. He’s the founder of the university publisher in Plovdiv and the publishing company “Pigmalion”. In 1998, he was a member of the Executive council of the Bulgarian national television.
He was also the founder of the first news channel of Bulgaria – “Europe”. His older brother, Petar, was Bulgarian president in the period 1997-2001.
Maria Nedelcheva was born in the city Gotse Delchev on May 20th 1979. She graduated with the specialty “Bulgarian and French Philology” in Plovdiv and became a magistrate of “International relations” in Bordeaux, France.
She is an expert on political parties and analysis of the regimes in Europe and the world, the European and national laws and constitution law. She’s a fluent speaker of French, English and Russian.
Deputies from “Coalition for Bulgaria”:
Ivailo Kalfin was born in Sofia and received his higher education in the University of National and World Economy (1983-1988) and the Loughborough University (1998-1999). His foreign language skills include English, French, Russian and Spanish. He is married and has a daughter.
Kalfin founded the Social Democrats National Movement and served as the member of parliament president of the Common Parliamentary Committee Bulgaria-European Union between 1995 and 1998. A member of parliament in the 37th (1994-1997), 38th (2000-2001) and 40th (since 2005) National Assembly of Bulgaria, Kalfin is part of the Bulgarian National Bank’s Consultative Council since 2004. He observed the elections in Kosovo in 2001 and 2004 as part of OSCE missions in the region and has also worked as a senior university lecturer and manager in several consulting companies.
Between 2002 and 2005, he was also an economic advisor the President of Bulgaria, Georgi Parvanov. He became the Minister of Foreign Affairs and a Deputy Prime Minister in 2005.
Ilyana Iotova
Ilyana Iotova ( was born on Octover 24th 1964 in Sofia. She earned a Master’s degree in Bulgarian and French language and literature, Sofia University (1983-1989). She specialized in the Ecole nationale d’administration (ENA) in Strasbourg (since 2007).
She has been a reporter, editor and head of directorate of ‘News and current affairs programmes’, Bulgarian National Television (1991-1997).
She’s a member of the Supreme Council of the Bulgarian Socialist Party (since 7 May 2000). Deputy Chairwoman of the Sofia city organisation of the Bulgarian Socialist Party (since 9 January 2006). MP in the 40th National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria, Deputy Chairwoman of the Bulgarian parliamentary delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) of the Council of Europe and Chairwoman of the Bulgarian representation in the Francophone parliamentary assembly (since 18 August 2005).
Kristian Vigenin is born on 12 June 1975 in Sofia.
He graduated 91-th German Language Gymnasium in 1993, and was awarded his Bachelor degree in International Economics and Macroeconomics at the University of National and World Economy , Sofia in 1998.
During the last years Vigenin took part in multiple political and professional trainings and specializations in Belgium, Sweden and USA among others.
From March 1999 to March 2001 he was employed as a senior expert in European Integration Directorate of the Customs Agency of the Republic of Bulgaria (subdivision of Ministry of finance ). In March 2001 he started working in Foreign Policy and international activity Directorate of Supreme Council (SC) of the Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP). Vigenin heads the Directorate in 2003. At present he is the principal head of Foreign policy, European integration and international cooperation section of the National council of BSP.
His political career began in 1994, when he was one of the founders of the Bulgarian Socialist Youth (BSY) and for 3 consecutive mandates until 2000 he was a member of the Executive bureau of the organization, Secretary of international activity and vice-president respectively. At the time Vigenin was responsible for the international activity of BSY he set higher standards of work with the observer status of BSY at the International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY) in 1996 and full-right member in 1998. Under his direction BSY became an associated member of the youth organization of the Party of European Socialists (ECOSY) in 1997.
In 2000 Kristian Vigenin was elected as a member of the Supreme Council of the Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP) and in the end of 2001 member of the Executive Bureau of the Party, responsible for international activity. Vigenin was re-elected as a member of the Council on 45-th, 46-th and 47-th Congress of BSP and respectively – member of the Executive Bureau and its Secretary, responsible for foreign policy and international activity. During his mandate BSP was associated as a full member of the Socialist International (in 2003) and the Party of the European socialists (in 2005).
From 2005 to 2008 he was the Chairman of Foreign policy and international relations Committee of SC of BSP.
In 2005 Vigenin was elected as a Chairman of the District organization of BSP “Poduyane” (Sofia) and member of the City Council of BSP Sofia. He was re-elected on both positions in 2008.
Since 2006 Vigenin is a part of the Presidency of PES and coordinates the operation of the PES network for South-eastern Europe.
Evgeni Kirilov ( graduated as an engineer in Rostock in 1971. Afterwards, he completed the higher education course of “International economic relations” and “International law” in Moscow. Between 1990 – 1993, he was a permanent representative of Bulgaria in UNESCO. Since 1997, he’s been part of the High council of BSP.
He’s a fluent speaker of English, French, German and Russian.
Deputies from the Movement for Rights and Freedoms:
Filiz HГјsmenova (born 10 June 1966 in Silistra) is a Bulgarian politician and Member of the European Parliament. She is a member of the Movement for Rights and Freedoms, part of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe, and became an MEP on 1 January 2007 with the accession of Bulgaria to the European Union.
Her website is
Vladko Panayotov ( was born on May 7tj 1950 in the city Pavlikeni. He received a degree in engineering (chemical cybernetics), Moscow (27.02.1975). He then got his doctorate in Sofia (27.04.1980) – he bevame senior research associate, rank II (March 1990), then doctor of Technical Science (17.12.1998). and in the end – professor (2000).
He’s a postgraduate student of the Higher Institute of Mining and Geology, Sofia (1977-1980). Central Institute for Complex Automation, Sofia (1985). He was a research associate and senior research associate, Deputy Director of the Joint research and implementation centre of Gorubso mining and processing operation and the Higher Institute of Mining and Geology (1980-1990). He’s Associate Professor and Professor at the University of Mining and Geology in Sofia. Panayotov is also director of the College of Mining and Metallurgy in Kardzhali (1990-2007). He is the editor of the Geology and Mineral Resources magazine (since 2002).
Member of the Union of Scientists in Bulgaria (since 1984). Member of the Union of Chemists in Bulgaria (since 2006). Member of the Supreme Attestation Committee (2004-2007). International Mineral Processing Congress, member of a scientific advisory committee, member of the Balkan Mining Academy (2004) and foreign member of the Russian Mining Academy (2007).
His achievements include: gold order of labour (1985), gold medal from the International Technical Fair (1989), foremost processing engineer of Bulgaria (2001), gold medal from the East West Euro Intellect technical fair (2003). Honorary citizen of Kardzhali (2005).
Metin Kazak ( was born on July 29th 1972 in the city Targovishte. He pursued medical education in Varna for two years, but then used a scholarship from the French government and graduaed International Law in the University of Burgundy. He specialized in France, Turkey and the US.
Previously he worked in the presidency, with the minister Alexander Pramatarski, with the minister Nezhdet Molov, the minister Filiz HГјsmenova and with the government of Simeon II.
He’s a MEP since June 2007. He’s a fluent speaker of French, English and Russian.
Deputies from Ataka:
Dimitar Stoyanov ( was born on May 17th 1983 in Sofia. He is the grandson of Radoi Ralin, but is most often referred to as the stepson of Volen Siderov due to the long relationship of his mother with the leader of “Ataka”. He graduated with a law degree in the Sofia University.
He was chosen to be a national representative of the party “Ataka”. He was an observer and temporary deputee in the European Parliament before, and since June 2007 he’s a regular MEP.
Slavi Binev ( is a businessman, Vice-president of the Bulgarian Taekwondo Federation (since 1996) and Supreme taekwondo champion of the Balkans (1990) and European taekwondo champion (1992).
He graduated a French Language School (1979-1984). He has a Master’s degree in tennis and boxing from the Teachers Faculty of the National Sports Academy (1986-1990). He also studied sports journalism (1988-1990).
He’s a MEP since June 2007.
Deputies from NDSV:
Meglena Kuneva ( was appointed European Commissioner for Consumer Affairs in January 2007 at the time of the accession of Bulgaria to the European Union. She was both the first Commissioner to represent my country and the first to be given exclusive responsibility in the key area of consumers.
Her political career started in June 2001 when she was elected as a Member of the Bulgarian Parliament, becoming member of parliament Minister of Foreign Affairs, later Minister of European Affairs, and Chief Negotiator for the EU accession process. She also served as a Special Representative at the Convention on the Future of Europe in 2002/03.
Her academic background is in law, with a particular emphasis on environmental issues and on human rights – areas in which she retain a very strong interest. Before devoting herself to politics full-time she was a Senior Legal Advisor to the Bulgarian Council of Ministers.
She’s a fluent speaker of bothe English and Russian.
Antonia Parvanova ( was born and grew up in Dobrich. She graduated medicine in Bulgaria, public health in the Netherlands and health policy in the UK. The she worked as a paediatrician, expert and researcher in the area of healthcare management.
Upon Bulgaria’s full membership in the EU, from her earlier status of EP observer Antonia Parvanova became one of the first Bulgarian members of the European Parliament, where she joined the group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe, and was later elected as its Vice President.
Antonia Parvanova has been an MP since 2001 – she was elected to the 39th National Assembly from Dobrich constituency and then re-elected to the 40th National Assembly from Pleven constituency. She is a permanent member of the Health Committee and a member of the Parliamentary Ethics Committee. The Political Council of MNSS placed her on the party’s ticket for the European Parliament elections this June.
Deputies from the “Blue coalition”
Nadejda Mihailova ( was born on August 9th 1962 in Sofia. She graduated the French School “Alphonse de Lamartine” and and got a university degree in Bulgarian philology in the Sofia University. Until the democratic changes in Bulgaria, she worked as a freelance journalist.
She began her political career as Head of Foreign Relations Department of the Radical Democratic Party, and after that – as Spokesperson and Chief of the Press Center of the Union for Democratic Forces during the electoral campaign in 1991.
She was a deputee in the 37th, 38th, 39th and 40th National assemblies. For the period of 1997-2001, she was Minister of Foreign Affairs of the center-right cabinet of PM Ivan Kostov. Between 1999-2006, she was the Vice President of the European People’s Party. She was also a Chairperson of the Union of Democratic Forces and Chairperson of the Parliamentary Group of the United Democratic Forces in the period 2002 – 2005.