The ethnic map of Bulgaria is not changing

The census in 2001 showed that 83,94% of the population defines themselves as Bulgarians, whereas in 1990 the percentage was 77,14 %. There’s a growth of that percentag in the gipsy population too – from 2,36 to 4,68%.
The other large ethnic group – the Turkish was at 14,19%; now 9,42% define themselves as Bulgarians.
All these changes are not in a tempo that threatens to change the ethnic map of Bulgaria, says the scientist Vania Dodunekova from the Population Research Department of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in an interview for the newspaper “Trud” (Labor).
“The Bulgarian gene is strong and will survive despite the demographic collapse, the economic chaos, the political reforms and other negative factors. The villages of gipsies and the districts with Turkish population will not be an obstacle for the Bulgarian ethos”, writes the journalist Aneta Petkova in her article.
The research includes data from the period between 1900 – 2001, and is based on the periodical census. The last census was in 2001, but the comparative data for the entire century was researched until recently.
“The predictions of the disappearance of the Bulgarian ethnicity in 25 or 50 years because of gipsy or Turkish population are manipulations. In 2011, a new census will take place, and I think it will reinforce the stability of the Bulgarian ethnicity,” said dr. Dodunekova.
The ratio between men and women in Bulgaria is following the tendencies worldwide – the women are more than men. For each 100 women, there are 94 men.
For the Turkish and gipsy people the ratio is 100:100. Specialists say that the demographic processes are slower in their communities.
Despite that, the economy of the last 20 years affected the domicile of both minorities. In the past Bulgarians were undergoing planned socialist urbanization, but it didn’t affect gipsy or Turkish populations. Today, young Turkish men and young Turkish families are moving in the big cities.
The gipsies, on the other hand, are currently migrating towards the villages. Specialists claim that this is because they adapt easier in the smaller, scarcely populated areas.
The article in “Trud” also calls the claims of certain organizations that the Turkish language and islam are on their way to replace Bulgarian and christianity are groundless. Turkish is the native tongue for only 5,29% of the population.