Articles tagged with: Sofia

“For the next year – year and a half, we will have a guaranteed investment of a 1 billion – 1,5 billion euro from the eurofunds”, said the mayor of Sofia Boiko Borisov during the …

Jet fighters and helicopters will circle low above Sofia during the four days befrore St. George’s day. The Bulgarian military aviation will train for the parade on May 6th – the Day of bravery and …

The union for development and society control of university students informed for a parallel protest of students in Sofia and Varna this Wednesday at 11:00.
The protests in Sofia will take place in front of the …

The organizers of Sofia Design Week announced that the event will host 22 free exhibitions.
The latest in the design tendencies will be shown at ten places all across Sofia.
High quality products of the communication, interactive …

The Russian prime minister Vladimir Putin will not participate in the conference for energetics in Sofia this week. He will meet his Bulgarian colleague in Moscow next week instead.
The spokesman of the Russian prime minister …

The light road accidents on the last day of the Easter holidays are 35 so far, announced the press center of the Ministry of internal affairs.
The traffic is heavy, and road police is busy easing …

The Jewish community in Bulgaria honoured Yom HaShoah – the Holocaust Remembrance Day, which is observed as a day of commemoration for the approximately six million Jews who perished in the Holocaust.
The chairman of the …

The ambitions of the Bulgarian golf association lead by Krasimir Gergov took them to the Borisova garden in Sofia. The association plans to turn four decares of terrain in the park into a golf field. …

The governmental crisis team approved the project approved the project under ther guidance of the Council of ministers for the financing of the trash gathering initiative on the territory of the municipality of Sofia.
This was …

The price offers for smaller apartments (two rooms up to 55 square metres) in the center of Sofia dropped by 44%, according to information on the estate sales website Practically, the prices went back …

The improvised football team of the municipality of Sofia defeated their Moscow colleagues with a 2:0 result in a friendly game between the two administrations at the “Luzhniki” stadium in the Russian capital. Both goals …

Some of the prominent and active brands of the yacht business were absent at this year’s yacht expo. There are no representatives of “Kirov”, who displayed thirty boats of all sorts in 2008.
Visitors in the …