Articles tagged with: Sofia

160 000 levs is giving the Capital Municipality for repairs of swimming pools on the territory of Sofia.
The amount will be allotted for reconstructions of the swimming pools in the United Children’s Institutions …

From 4th to 26th October 2008 the National opera and ballet will visit Japan for 16 performances. “Turandot” by Puccini and “A Masked Ball” by Verdi are the chosen pieces to be presented in front …

Free skin examinations for diagnostics and setting a treatment of patients with symptoms of psoriasis organizes the ward for dermatology of ‘Tokuda’ hospital in Sofia. They will taka place on Wednesday from 8.00 to 19.00 …

The monument in front of NDK to be stripped of it’s outer shell and painted orange? That is the most probable fate of the “fallen Messerschmitt”, more popular with other nicknames among bulgarians.
The idea belongs …

From 1st January lorries won’t be able to enter the center of Sofia, decided the Capital Municipal Council.
The prohibition will be valid for the time between 7 and 22 o’clock. Exceptions will be made …

To the end of the spring of the next year in all parks and gardens in the central part of Sofia citizens will be able to use free wireless Internet. That was announced by …

The results of the campaign вЂLife without tobacco’ will be presented today in the capital. During the conference will be announced the results of the carried out during the campaign CO tests (measuring of the …

The Ministry of State Administration starts an informational campaign among young people for presenting the opportunities of carrier development. The campaign is called вЂreflect your knowledge in practice. Start a career in state administration’. The …

Airport вЂSofia’ already owns a 3A category, which means that the airplanes can land in the conditions of a mist with visibility of 200 meters, said the minister of transport Peter Mutafchiev after the presentation …

The painter Lyubomir Ivanov – Father will open his exhibition вЂThe Travelling’ this evening in the Sofia gallery вЂGaya’. Ceramic sculptures, small plastics, relieves and decorated vessels – an example of the author search for …

The exhibit “The Surprising Europe – Balkan Capitals” is going to be inaugurated Sunday evening at the national “Ivan Vazov” theater in Sofia.
The exhibit is part of the agenda of the international conference titled “50 …

Stanislav Lambev (вЂEver Varna’) won the 26th marathon in Sofia with a result 2:26:21 h. That was his third serial win. Second finished Aleksander Antonov (вЂAkademik Sofia’) – 2:29:45 and the third position was …