Articles tagged with: education

The board of directors of the World bank decided that they will lend 200 million dollars to Bulgaria.
The press release of the World bank stated that the money will be used for the reforms in …

Universities in Bulgaria will take 10% more students for the 2009-2010 year. This was announced by the Ministry of education and science.
The total number of places for the latest batch (2009-2010) of students is 66839. …

606 candidates for a place in the oldest Bulgarian university attended the preliminary geography examination of the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. The geography exam began at 9:00 AM, and it marked the beginning of …

The National statistics institute announced that total number of university students in Bulgaria for the study period of 2008/2009 – including the students in the four educational degrees (professional bachelor, bachelor, magister and doctor) – …

The press center of the National statistics institute announced that throughout the last few years, the education structure of the population between 25 – 64 years of age is constantly improving. This results in a …

The press center of the ministry of education and science announced that Bulgaria will be the host of the XXI International informatics Olympiad.
Especially for the occasion, the vice-minister of education and science Kircho Atanasov met …

A co-operation agreement in the field of professional education will be signed tomorrow – March 18th – in the Ministry of education and science (MON) at 10:00 AM. The agreement will be signed between the …

The famous Bulgarian writer and historician Vera Mutafchieva will be a special guest in the American university in Bulgaria. Her works will be presented by Albena Hranova. The poet and publisher Bozhana Apostolova, owner of …

The company AREVA NP opened a “Computer informational system” on February 19th in the Technics University (TU) – Sofia.
A contract between the Techincs University of Sofia (TU) and the German company AREVA NP resulted in …

The admission of university students in UNWE (University of National and World Economy) will be based once again on professional directions. The goal is to make the student choose a speciality after studying several fundamental …

Vasil Pavlevchev (17) won the golden medal and the wreath of laurels on the mythology and culture test and won first place in the football competition as a a part of the united European team …

“After finishing their education in Bulgarian universities, Macedonian students rarely return to their homeland. They have an easier time finding a job Bulgaria and earn higher salaries,” states the Skopje newspaper “Dnevnik” on the topic …