Articles tagged with: Burgas

The session of the municipality council of Burgas is about to break the Guiness records for length.
The local government debates for over ten hours now and does not seem to intend to stop anytime soon. …

The municipality of Burgas was of great interest to the visitors and guests of the 13th international tourism expo in Istanbul – “Emit” 2009, which took place between February 12th – 15th.
The municipality was invited …

The organizing of the exhibition of Leonardo da Vinci’s contraptions at the seaside city Burgas are almost complete.
The municipality of Burgas contracted the authorities of the city Vinci, where one of the most prominent and …

An initiative committee will take care of the renovation of the synagogue in Burgas, announced the chief executive of the tourism department of the city Diana Kolcheva on a press conference.
Penka Sedlarska – director of …

The government approved the joining of the villages Vetren and Banevo to the city Burgas, announced the governmental information agency. The municipality council of Burgas has permission to execute the administrative-territorial change in accordance with …

The municipality of Burgas won their third project under the Operative Program “Regional Development” 2007 – 2013, announced the press center of the municipality administration.
The project is named “Improvement of the educational infrastructure of the …

One of the symbols of Burgas – the Seaside casino will be brought back to life, announced Darik radio. The building, located in the Sea garden, burned down years ago. It will be completely restored …

Fraport Twinstar Airport Management, owner of the Burgas airport, intends to expand the airport in 2009.
The electricity system will be replaced, a monitoring system for the noise level will be installed and new manoeuvring runways …

A total of 32 100 flights and 3,4 million passengers were served in 2008 at the two seaside airports – Burgas and Varna, announced administration representatives.
With the realized 16 949 landings and take offs, the …

Nearly 200 million euro are the expected investments in Burgas for the next two years. This was announced by the municipality administration.
Most of the investments will come from the European union. To this date, the …

The website of the municipality of Burgas announces the municipality’s plans to make the Sea garden of Burgas larger. The ambitious plan foresees many innovations and improvements of the zone south from the region of …

The project for construction of a new sports school in Burgas is ready, announced the mayor of Burgas Dimitar Nikolov. Nikolov presented the project, the work of a group of architects after a competition.
For over …