Sofia with the lowest unemployment rate, followed by Burgas and Gabrovo

The level of unemployment for the countryh grows compared to December by 0,23% and reaches 6,5%. Compared to the same month in 2008, the level of unemployment is 0,88% lower, announced the social ministry.
The level of unemployment in eight regions is lower than the average for the country.
They are: Sofia-city (1,31%), Burgas (3,99%), Gabrovo (4,24%), Varna (4,89%), Plovdiv (5,27%), Stara Zagora (5,28%), Pernik (5,41%), and Ruse (6,19%).
240 782 unemployed people are registered in the labour bureau, with just 8433 people (3,7%) more than the previous month.
At the moment, the labour bureau offers 46 923 employment places.