Over 5 000 000 lv. invested in road infrastructure in Pleven

“Over 5 000 000 leva have been invested in improvements of Pleven’s transportation system, with over 100 streets being thoroughly repaired.”, said Naiden Zelenogorski, the mayor.
The road to “Drujba” district (population: 30 000) has been expanded, 3km of road have been constructed, main boulevard “Doiran” has been renewed with 1 200 000 lv.
According to Zelenogorski the greatest achievement in the developement of Plovdiv’s social infrastructure for this year are the repairs, which the Kitchen for children food, worth 900 000 lv.
Over 1 000 000 lv. have been invested in education.
“Despite the negative effect of the global financial and economical crisis, we have managed to fulfill our investment plans.”, stressed the mayor.