No economical recession in Bulgaria expected
The deficit in the current bills of the country continues, but that is due to the increasing prices of gas and petrol worldwide – not because of an increase of import.
This was said by Adriana Mladenova, head economist in the Institure for market economics, in an interview for the surveying broadcast “This is Bulgaria”.
According to her words the worldwide finanicial crisis will have a relatively positive effect on the deficit of the current bills. Mladenova explained that also the deficity itself speaks for a vulnerability from outsiders in the bulgarian economics.
According to Mladenova, the expected 4.5% growth of economics is rather optimistical. “Unfortunatelly, a lot of expenses are already planned for the budget in 2009”, added Adriana Mladenova. She explained that what is touted as budget to prevent the crisis, is actually the elections budget.
But on the question whether Bulgaria will face recession, the head economist in the Institure for market economics answered that for a recession there must be an economical drop, and in Bulgaria such a drop is not expected.