National program for reforms in Bulgaria adopted

The government adopted the National program for reforms in Bulgaria for the period 2008-2010 and an action plan related to its implementation.
The documents which will be presented to the European commission, report on the achieved so far progress, the economic growth and the macro-economic stability as well as the necessity the achieved indicators to be used for the creation of a competitive and energy efficient economy in Bulgaria.
A clear framework of the conservative fiscal and credit policy regarding the world financial crisis is set.
The program complies with the four specific recommendations, which are pointed out in the conclusions of the European council from March 2008 and in the Strategic report of the European commission from December 2007.
They are connected to the necessity of accelerated improvement of the administrative capacity in key sectors of the state management, restriction of the current account deficit and the high inflation, improvement of the business environment, increase of the quality of the work force and the employment.
In a short term plan, the government engages itself in 3 main priorities: clearly outlined anti-inflation policy aiming at the support of the financial stability; increase of the state administration’s capacity; improvement of the business climate.
The politics of restriction of the scope of the public sector to 40% of the GDP and improvement of the structure of the public expenses will continue.
The share of the expenses in support of the potential for economic growth and export through investment in infrastructure, human capital and scientific research will grow.
The politics of revenues in the public sector will be in compliance with the increase of the productivity in the economy.
The package of anti-inflation measures of the government includes specific actions for improvement of the competitiveness and restriction of the influence of the monopoles.
The efforts in the establishment of a responsible, transparent and effective public administration, which offers qualitative services to the citizens and the business will continue.
For the improvement of the business climate, the securing of an eased access to the market and the stimulation of effective competition, the government will apply the adopted in April Program for better regulation, by simplifying and removing administrative regimes.
In order to increase the quality of the workforce and the level of employment, the effectiveness of the active politics on the labor market will be improved.
Reforms in the education system in order to achieve higher adaptivity to the requirements of the labor market are already being undertaken.