Minko Gerdjikov will be the temporary mayor of Sofia

Minko Gerdjikov was chosen by the Municipality council of Sofia to temporarily serve as the mayor of the municipality of Sofia. He received the approval with all 51 votes for him. There were none against him.
Minko Hristov Gerdjikov was the vice-mayor of finances and business activities in the municipality of Sofia. During the mandate of Stefan Sofianski he also served as a temporary mayor, when Sofianski was elected as a member of the parliament.
Gerdjikov was a candidate for the mayor position from the democratic party SDS during the local elections in 2005. He was defeated by Boiko Borisov, and he joined his team shortly afterwards.
“We will continue to develop Sofia in the same direction set by the mandate of Boiko Borisov”, said Gerdjikov in front of journalists.
The municipality administration plans the following advancements by the end of the year: eight new kindergartens, eight new sport grounds; the opening of the metro line from “Obelia” to “Mladost 1” on September 17th, the Day of Sofia.