Feature movies in 3D format already in Bulgaria

October 24 is the date that will change Bulgaria’s cinema. On this date the film вЂTravel to the Earth’s centre’ will have its premiere. It will be projected using an innovative technology for 3D digital movies. Unlike already existing 3D technologies, which are adjusted mainly for documentary movies, the digital 3D movie allows projecting feature movies without any restrictions in time. It’s also very flexible and supports the standard 2D format which can be used in cinemas without the necessary equipment for 3D.
Many of the big Hollywood studios are already using the new technology when shooting their movies. Walt Disney and DreamWorks have already announces that from 2009 all their animated films will be available in 3D format. This includes the third part of the mega hit вЂIce Age’ and director’s James Cameron first film after вЂTitanic’ – вЂAvatar’.
In Bulgaria вЂArena’ cinema halls have a total of 12 digital halls, 4 of which are fully equipped for 3D projections. They are situated in the cinemas вЂArena West’ and вЂArena Mladost’ in Sofia, вЂArena Mall Varna’ and вЂArena Park Mall Stara Zagora’. вЂWe’re in the eve of the next technical revolution, compared in significance with colour in movies. вЂArena’ cinema halls are among the first and few in Europe, technically equipped and ready to begin 3D projections’, said the owner of the range Stefan Minchev.