Exhibition “Symbols of Bulgarian government”

The exhibition “Symbols of Bulgarian government” will open doors on December 12th 2008 at 11:00 o’clock in the National History Museum. The exhibition is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Bulgarian independence, which was declared on September 22nd 1908. Over 500 items from different Bulgarian museums and galleries are on display at the exhibition.
The opening of the event matches the day on which the city Veliko Tarnovo celebrates the anniversary.
The National history museum strives to keep the ideas and messages of the authors, but to introduce them with new concepts. The organizers are the Ministry of culture, the National history museum and the Bulgarian heraldic society. Two halls – “West” and “East” will host the exhibition, complementing each other thematically.
The symbols of government are separated into four main topics: Medieval Bulgaria, Bulgaria within the Western European and Illiric coat of arms collections, the Symbols of the struggles for national independence, and National symbols of the modern Bulgarian country.
The exhibition is a result of the combined efforts of 24 institutions. It will continue until March 2009.