Articles in the Society Category

The three Bulgarian hotels with best management were awarded yesterday by the Bulgarian financial newspaper вЂPari Daily’. The winners in the three categories are the five-star Park Hotel Pirin, located near the town of Sandanski, …

Mezdra Municipality will reconstruct entirely 4 schools and 2 kindergartens by the вЂRegional development’ programme. The project is estimated of total 4 300 000 leva and is financed by the scheme of ensuring a proper …

The world sea day has been celebrated since 1978 by decision of the 38th session of the International Marine Organization of November 1977, initially celebrated on March 17. Since 1980 it’s been celebrated on one …

October 24 is the date that will change Bulgaria’s cinema. On this date the film вЂTravel to the Earth’s centre’ will have its premiere. It will be projected using an innovative technology for 3D digital …

The Healthcare Minister Evgeniy Zhelev will hand in the keys of 30 new ambulances to directors of Emergency medical help centres. All 100 sanitary automobiles will be distributed by October 15. They are ensured by …

Military hostel and kindergarten which will accept 25 children of military men will be opened in Plovdiv by the War Minister Nikolay Tsonev. The project will be realized by the social programme of the Ministry …

Free cardiological examinations will be organized for World Heart Day, celebrated on September 28. The initiative will be conducted by вЂTokuda’ hospital in Sofia on September 27. Prophylactic examinations will be accomplished in the time …

A new post stamp was validated on a special ceremony at Tsarevets hill on occasion of the 100th anniversary since the Bulgarian Independence proclamation.
The jubilee stamp was made by the State agency for information technology …

The new Social support centre вЂSt. Sofia’ was opened today at 11:00a.m. by the Social and Labour Minister Emilia Maslarova. It was created by a project, financed through the EU Phare programme.
Social workers, a …

After Bulgaria’s acceptance in the EU, college taxes fell and now more and more Bulgarian students decide to study abroad. The number of Bulgarians admitted to universities in the United Kingdom has doubled compared to …

A Bulgarian model was chosen from the readers of the Portuguese edition of the Maxim magazine for the sexiest girl of the summer in Portugal.
The name of the beauty is Sara Kostova. Her father is …

On September 21 the first Bulgarian pensioners were send on vacation on government money. The idea was announced less than 3 weeks earlier and suggested sending a thousand pensioners at sea or in the mountains …