Articles in the Politics Category

The General secretary of NATO Jaap de Hoop Scheffer stated, that the Alliance is tired of accepting new members.
According to him, the door for futher broadening of the Alliance is not closed, but the countries …

A hundred new vehicles “Sitroen Xara Picasso” were blessed and given to the police with a ceremony in front of the Monument of the Unknown soldier in Sofia.
They are half of the two hundred vehicles, …

The government press centre announced that today the Council of Ministers decided to allocate 10 million leva from the budget of the National fund “Agriculture” to cover the Value added tax (VAT) expenses of the …

After two years of work of politicians and experts and the six months long debates in the parliament, the law for cultural heritage was finally approved last Thursday. The deputees approved all contested texts of …

The parliament denied the seventh vote of non-confidence of the government of Sergey Stanishev. Of the 233 deputees that voted, 85 agreed with the vote of non-confidence and 148 didn’t. There were no undecided deputees …

The visit of the Bulgarian president Parvanov in Italy continues.
He is going to meet the Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi and will talk to representatives of the Italian business.
Yesterday, during the talks between the Bulgarian …

Bulgaria is resoulte in the decision to keep the currency board in order to save the Bulgarian currency – the lev, which is tied to the euro now – from devaluation in the conditions of …

The European Commissioner for Consumer Protection Meglena Kuneva works on a new directive for consumers, but it isn’t yet known if it will be voted on during the mandate of the current parliament.
“My main goal …

Research of the agency “”, announced at the BTA conference, showed that five Bulgarian parties are favored among the citizens for the elections of the European parliament.
The inquiry took place between February 16th – 21st, …

Bulgaria is among the 10 countries with the lowest rate of unemployment in the European Union at the moment. This was announced for the Bulgarian national radio by the minister of social politics Emilia Maslarova.
This …

“Our analysis shows, that Bulgaria faces the trials of the adaptation in the process of reduction of shares of loaned capitals in operations in the financial market. To be specific, we have to watch over …

“The international financial crisis already affects Bulgarian economics”, said Nina Radeva – vice-minister of economics and energetics at the International forum “Creativity and innovation in the sphere of eurofunds for local development”.
According to Radeva, that …