Articles in the Politics Category

“I believe that after the parliamentary elections, Bulgaria will have a right wing government,” said the leader of the list of the “Blue coalition” for the EU parliament Nadezhda Mihailova during today’s meeting with followers …

The Ministry of finance organizes the annual academic meeting-discussion in the Central military club. The topic this time is “The crisis and Bulgaria through the lens of the past”.
The minister of finance Plamen Oresharski, representatives …

A Bulgarian is a candidate member of parliament in the European Parliament from Italy.
Antonia Gospodinova ( is the first Eastern European to join the Italian list for the EU parliament.
She is in the list of …

The parliamentary groups of the Coalition for Bulgaria, NDSV and DPS agreed on common nominations for the leaders and members of key Bulgarian institutions.
This was announced in front of journalists by the chairman of the …

The mayor of Kiustendil Petar Paunov leads the national election office of the coalition “Lider-Novoto vreme” (Leader-The New times).
He was presented to journalists by the chairman of “Leader”, Kancho Filipov. Paunov is the mayor of …

“Stanishev has shown that he is not an European. Thus, I won’t participate in an European debate with him.”
Those were the words of the political party GERB Boiko Borisov to answer the invitation of the …

People with disabilities that surpass the 50% barrier can vote in the so-called mobile urns in the elections for the 41st National assembly.
One of the conditions of the section committee is to receive at least …

“The Blue coalition will be the big surprise of the upcoming elections.”
Those were the words of Nadezhda Mihailova in Yambol , during today’s opening of the campaign for the EU Parliament elections.
The government of BSP, …

According to the president of Bulgaria Georgi Parvanov, turning the campaign for the elections of European Parliament into a simple voting “for” or “against” the government – or even against a certain person – will …

The political party “Ataka” opened their electoral campaign for European parliament with a summit on the square “May 4th” in the city Batak.
“We chose Batak, because it is a signature Bulgarian city, a Golgotha of …

“We have to win in the upcoming elections for European parliament representatives so cogently that the electorate of BSP and DPS gives up voting.”
Those were the words of the leader of GERB Tsvetan Tsvetanov at …

Followers and admirers of the Blue coalition started the electoral campaign of the party for the EU parliament elections with loud cheers.
The official opening in the Hall 1 of the National palace of culture started …