An exhibition of works by Svetlin Rusev – open in Denmark

The exhibition of the popular Bulgarian artist Svetlin Rusev was opened today, under the initiative of the Bulgarian embasy in Denmark, and with the assistance of the National cultural institute and the central municipality of Copenhagen.
His paintings can be seen from November 24th to December 14th 2008 in “Byggeriets Hus” – the exhibition hall of the Fredericsberg municipality, announced from the Ministry of foreign relations.
The exhibition presents 20 works of Svetlin Rusev, among which are his most popular ones – “The choice of civilization”, “Pieta”, “Reflection”, “The end of the road”, “Portrait of my mother”, “Portrait of my father” and the series of works from the “Generation” cycle.
The exhibition was opened by Ivan Dimitrov – Bulgarian ambassador in the Kingdom of Denmark and Mrs. Grete Rostbol – ex-minister of culture of Denmark. In her speech, Grete Robstol critically acclaimed the works of Svetlin Rusev.