Between 25 and 45 l. per square meter of rain expected in Northern Bulgaria
Between 25 and 45 liters per square meter of rain is expected to fall in Northern Bulgaria today. According to the National meteorology institute, the temperature change in Bulgaria will be very tangible due to the cold wave coming from the Northwest.
Tomorrow temperatures will be 10-12 degrees lower, keeping a level of 15-20 degrees early in the week. By the end of the week, temperatures will stay between 19-24 degrees. Even though it won’t be constant, rain will fall all over the country, and quite intensively at certain areas.
The expected amount of rain in some places is 40 to 60 liters per square meter, but these will be isolated cases, and mostly in Northern Bulgaria. Later this week the rain will gradually slow down and eventually stop.
Strong winds will emerge near the Black Sea coast, and are expected to stay until Monday.